
Friday, February 27, 2009


Some things should never be made.

Those things include Twilight themed cakes.

What has been seen cannot be unseen.

ETA: Whoa.

Although, to be honest, a very small part of me thinks it would be really cool for someone to make a cake of my (not yet published) book. Also, this one rocks.


  1. LOL! Well, I think it is a bit much, but I'm not one to put stuff like that on a cake. I have to say though the book one is way cool. It is flattering to the author to make their books into cakes. It is funny that the cake is an ice cream cake. White, Ice cold. Just like Edward. I'm cracking up over here.

  2. That was interesting. So now we can do the whole Twilight birthday theme parties for girls 11-13. And it does look tasty. Great Beth, now I want cake!

  3. okay, I laughed out loud when I got to 'ice cream' cake. Weirdly, I didn't see it coming :)

  4. I force myself to go back to the standby response:
    At least kids are excited about reading.

  5. I think cakes about twilight are fine, as long as the top of it looks like a deer that's been mauled by a vampire.

    Just sayin'...

  6. Wow, I have no words for that cake, except maybe YUM. :)

  7. It's a deal. You turn out my books in book stores and I'll bake you Beth Book cakes.

  8. Lois, me either--I think the weirdest part would be eating their faces...

    Sarah, I do, too! An ice cream cake from Dairy Queen...ah, man, I want one!

    Keri, thanks!

    Crimey, Haha! That part made me laugh out loud, too! I was scrolling through the list of them before, trying to find the weirdest or worst one, but that one was TOO funny!

    PJ, yeah, that's true--kids reading is the most important thing. But... ;)

    Angela--they did have cupcakes that looked like they'd been bitten and bled...

    Elana, absolutely! Join Sarah and me for some ice cream cake :)

    Davin--DEAL! Is a blog comment a binding contract? Anyway, I'll contact you when I publish and you better be ready with a cake! :)

  9. It made me chuckle. And about that "book cake" -- when my first book came out, some people threw me a little party with a cake with my cover on it! It really was great.

  10. i actually like the big twilight bookone, that takes skills.. but honestly, really? come on! perfume, pillows, socks, chains, now cakes?

  11. I thought a couple of those cakes were worthy of But some, on the other hand, were really well done.

    The bloody fang hole cupcakes were slightly on the nasty side though. LOL


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