
Friday, August 1, 2008

Opinions Wanted!

So over to the right, I've got a little poll going. What's you opinion on Chapter Headings? I loved them in books like the Enchanted Forest chronicles by Patricia Wrede, but they're not in my favorite books, the Chronicles of Narnia.

Currently, I'm not using Chapter Headers...for the first time. Part of that is because when I started a chapter I had no freaking clue how the chapter would I just slapped a number on the top of the page and wrote. I'm thinking of adding them in now, but thought I'd get some opinions first :)


  1. I'm not sure how to vote in your poll. I like chapter headings when they're done right - like The Lightning Thief. But I don't generally use them myself. (Because I never know where my chapter is going!)

  2. I like chapter heading, but normally don't put them in on a first draft. I more just leave myself a tag word to remind me what the chapter was about quickly.

  3. I'm with Chris. When chapter headings are done right, they're the perfect little whisper of what's ahead. Rick Riordan is a master.

  4. I find that my favorite chapter headings are like Rick Riordan or Patricia Wrede's: comic. I'm not sure what to do with myself now that I'm not really writing a comedy! I'll have to tinker with it.

  5. I like them. It helps me stay focused. :)


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