
Monday, August 31, 2015

Two Books You Should Go Buy Right Now

It's been awhile since I've done a book recommendation, but today marks the release of two awesome books that I really want everyone to read.

The first is A Curious Tale of the In-between by Lauren DeStefano (full disclaimer: in some states, we're married). I've loved this book since before it was a book, and I'm so glad that it's finally, finally out and available for everyone to read!

It's the story of Pram, an unusual little girl, and her friend Felix, an even more unusual little boy because he's a ghost. When she goes off to find out more about her past and her powers, though, she gets tangled up in a mystery and must face some of her darkest fears.

Obviously, since Lauren wrote it, you can be guaranteed of beautiful, lyrical writing, prose that would knock the socks off the fanciest poet, and a story that will haunt you. Basically, it's A++ all around and you should totally go read it.

GoodReads | Amazon | IndieBound

The second book I want to tell you about is Violent Ends. This book is important. It's horrific. It's tragic. But it's the kind of book that needs to be written.

And it's also written by not one, but seventeen authors.

Rather than create a traditional anthology, author Shaun Hutchinson got seventeen authors to each write a chapter of the same book. Each chapter tells a different perspective of the same violent, tragic event: a deathly school shooting. Each chapter weaves in and out of the other stories, so that it reads as a complete, whole book from many authors and many points of view.

It's an ambitious project, to say the least, and I'm truly honored to have been a part of it. These sort of books are sadly so important these days, and this is one of the best on the subject.

GoodReads | Amazon | IndieBound

Monday, August 10, 2015

A Thank You to Readers: Win 9 Signed Books + More!

It's been awhile since we've had a contest. Part of that was because I've been saving things up until I get to make some big announcements (I've got a new book coming next year! And other cool things!), but I recently just decided, you know what? You guys are awesome 24/7, not just when I have a big announcement to share, so let's do a giveaway right now for no good reason at all, other than I like you people a whole bunch. 

So, I gathered together a bunch of my fave recent science fiction-y type books that I had just waiting in a pile for a giveaway. They're such stellar books I put them in a book star. Get it? :) 


Shades of Earth signed by Beth Revis
The Body Electric signed by Beth Revis
These Broken Stars signed by Amie Kaufman and Meg Spooner
Salvage signed by Alexa Duncan
Tracked ARC by Jenny Martin (gently read once by me!)
Fever signed by Lauren DeStefano
The Cage signed by Megan Shepherd
Time Between Us by Tamara Ireland Stone
Origin signed by Jessica Khoury
Kalahari signed by Jessica Khoury
Lois Lane: Fallout signed by Gwenda Bond
+ a secret surprise audio book!
+ awesome swag from several authors!

I'm going to keep it simple to enter--this contest really is about me thanking you, my readers, with no strings attached. So it's open internationally to everyone, and you don't have to do anything but give me your email address to enter (so I can contact you if you win). 


The giveaway is open until August 31, and I would appreciate it if you'd tell your friends and help spread the word. You could post about it on Twitter or Facebook or Tumblr--but it's not a requirement at all.

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And if you feel like thanking me or any other author, remember: reviews on sites like Amazon and are among the best ways to help our books reach wider audiences! 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

You Send Me Mail, I Send You Mail

So. I meant to take a picture of the stack of letters I recently sent out--about thirty. Some were ones that I was just catching up on over the last few months, but some were....quite a bit older than that. My assistant (read: the husband, who I can't fire) accidentally misfiled a stack of fan mail letters that I needed to reply to, and when we discovered them two weeks ago, we dropped everything to answer each one. I hope they get to their destination safely!

Note: If you've sent me fan mail and I've not replied back, please drop me an email at! I think we're 100% caught up now, so if you've not gotten anything back, that means your letter was lost!

But it got me thinking about fan mail. In the past, I've asked that people send me a self-addressed stamped envelope in return for getting a reply and swag back. But that definitely posed a problem and inconvenience for readers outside of America, and sometimes I was getting envelopes that didn't fit swag all that easily. So... instead, I'm just going to ask that you send me mail, and I'll send you mail back.

It can be as simple as a postcard (I love postcards!). Or a drawing or anything else you want. Put a stamp on something, include an address for me to reply to, and send me something at:

Beth Revis
PO Box 27
Union Mills
NC 28167

...and I'll send you something back. I'm stuck at home with a baby right now, so I've been signing a lot of extra swag. If you want to include some stamps for me, that'd be nice and helpful, but it's no big deal. 

I hope this mail policy works a little better for everyone!